Mayonnaise recipe

I never really thought nutrition was important — I rarely thought about nutrition at all — until my fourth child’s molars came in soft and grey. Our pediatric dentist wanted to give her general anesthesia and four pulpotomies.

Say what?

There was nothing wrong with her otherwise, she just had these terrible teeth. I’m not one to accept bad news gracefully — I had to know why. So I began researching.

I ended up reading dozens of books, including Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price. And I was hooked on nutrition.

I changed our diet immediately, cutting out most sweets and only using properly prepared grains and legumes (to improve digestibility). We also bought a farm so we could have organic produce, farm fresh eggs, raw milk and grass fed beef.

My daughter’s teeth hardened up and did their job with nary a cavity until they fell out naturally as the healthy molars beneath them pushed them out of the way. I attribute that and my subsequent children’s strong teeth to our improved nutrition.

That was a really long way to tell you why I now make my own mayonnaise (along with pretty much everything else) from scratch. The commercial mayo you buy at the store is not only plumb full of additives and preservatives, but it’s also made with icky oils. 

Plus, making my own is a whole lot quicker and easier than hopping in the car and driving to the grocery store. It only takes a few minutes, it tastes better, it’s cheaper and it’s better for your body.

Here’s how to make your own homemade mayonnaise.

Homemade Mayonnaise:


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cups extra virgin olive oil (or your choice of oil, but don’t use coconut oil, because it will get really solid and hard in the fridge)
  • 2 tablespoons yellow mustard (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Break the eggs into a wide-mouthed quart jar if you’re using an immersion blender, or into your blender jar.
  2. Blend the vinegar thoroughly with the eggs.
  3. Add the oil very slowly to the egg mixture. If you add it too fast it won’t emulsify properly and you’ll end up with a soupy mess.
  4. Add the mustard (optional) and salt (and any other spices you like) and blend thoroughly.
  5. I use an immersion blender and make mine right in the jar, so I can stick it in the fridge. I’ve read that it only lasts for a week in the fridge, but mine lasts well for about a month.

I use this mayonnaise as the basis for a lot of salad dressings. You don’t have to add the mustard, I just like the extra tang, color and body it adds. Commercial mayonnaise also includes sugar, and you might like to add about a Tablespoon of sugar for sweetness. I leave it out of ours, though I do add usually add a little honey when I turn mayonnaise into a salad dressing. 



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