I don’t know about where you live, but where I live, in Utah, winter seems to last FOR. FREAKING. EVER!

As fall ends (why is fall so dratted short anyway?) we are excited about the first snowstorm. We’re over the moon about the beauty of the clean, white, new-fallen snow, as we don our snow clothes and build snowmen and make snow angels.

We spend the next several weeks hanging pine garlands and stockings, sipping hot cocoa, making surprises and singing Christmas carols in anticipation of the upcoming holidays. The passing of Christmas is a bit of a letdown, but we still have New Year’s to look forward to, so we keep on smiling.

Then New Year’s passes. By now the snow is mucky and drab. And we miss the sun! It feels like we live in the land of eternal darkness and cold — and dirty, old snow.

Okay, I’m exaggerating. But only a little.

In reality, the only month worse than January is February, and that’s coming from an avid skier.

So what’s a mom to do?

Create A Bucket List of Fun Winter Activities!

Most days are at least moderately exhausting. If you’re a mom, you know what I mean. At the end of the day or the week I can barely muster the energy to feed and bathe all the people, let alone think up ways to make them giggle. How often, as you’re tucking your kiddos in bed, do you realize you barely spoke with one of them, or you never even hugged another?

That’s where my bucket list of fun winter activities come in!

Creating a list I can hang on the fridge and check off is a great way to make the fun parts of momming easy!

All of the fun, winter activities on this list are either cheap or free. Most of them require no preparation on your part!

And this list of winter activities is perfect for busy moms, because it eliminates the hardest part of putting together activities for your family — thinking up the activities! When you have extra time or you need a break, the list is right there waiting for you.

This list contains outdoor winter activities, indoor winter activities, active activities, crafts, service, and so much more! It has fun winter activities for kids, fun winter activities for preschoolers, and pretty much something for everyone! You can really beat the winter blues with this list!

Grab you FREE instant download of fun, winter activities at the bottom of this list, or create a customized list of your own to hang on your fridge.

Fun winter activities

More Fun Winter Activities

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    1. Amy Saunders says:

      Thanks, Susan! I love to keep family activities cheap or free so we can put our savings toward traveling!

  1. This a great ideas it can be hard to find something to do with toddlers especially doing the Winter month, I will definitely use some of this thank you.

  2. Such a great list! I can’t wait to do all of these activities with my husband and daughter!

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      Your daughter is adorable; you must have so much fun with her!

  3. I long to try some of the things on your list….I live in Australia and we only experience snow if we head to the mountains and it is an entire day to get there. I would love to make snow angels!! And I love the idea of making a pine cone bird feeder. I hope one day I can tick a few of your ideas off your list.

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      And I long to experience Australia, Danielle! Lol! Kangaroos, koalas, warmth and sunshine… Maybe we could arrange a trade?!

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