The Best Gifts for Homeschool Moms
(This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosures for more information.)
Educating the kids at home is a monumental task for any parent.
Research. Plan. Implement. Nag. Persevere. Endure. Repeat.
Week in. Week out. All year.
And that’s on top of keeping the toilets scrubbed, laundry baskets empty, bellies nourished, owie’s kissed, birthdays and holidays remembered and so much more!
For all we do, homeschool moms (and all moms, really — because what mom isn’t educating her children) deserve the biggest, most incredible gift imaginable.
What do you get a person who deserves the world?
If you’re married to a homeschool mom, this gift guide could be a lifesaver.
If you’re a homeschool mom yourself and need some ideas to give to others who want to buy you a gift, this gift guide is a lifesaver. You could even just email your husband this blog post to give him ideas so he can surprise you!
Some women want all practical gifts (me!), and others love a little splurge when it comes time for gifts. I’ve got both types covered with this list of gifts for homeschool moms.
Check out these perfect gifts for homeschool moms:
Memberships will add fun and excitement to the daily grind.
Memberships are fun and practical gift ideas for homeschool moms and families. Who doesn’t love a fun FIELD TRIP? Check out these fantastic gifts for homeschool moms!
- Local museums
- Discovery centers
- Theme parks
- A health club the whole family can enjoy
- The zoo
- Netflix. Online streaming is so convenient for great educational documentaries. Add on the DVD delivery for even better options.
Another great membership idea for homeschool moms is an Amazon Prime Membership!
There are fantastic perks for homeschoolers! You can stream all kinds of video content, from documentaries to go with all the school subjects, to things to keep the baby busy while you get dinner one.
I love mine!!
Gift Cards so She Can Splurge
Buy a gift card to a curriculum store, craft store, book store, office supply store, or someplace with bit of everything such as Amazon, Walmart, or Target.
Each of these gift cards would make perfect gifts for homeschool moms! Here are some other ideas for gift cards any homeschool mom would love:
Books Make Wonderful Gifts For a Homeschool Moms Heart
I’ve never met a homeschool mom who doesn’t like books!
Just make sure you know her taste and are familiar with her library before you buy her books, so you don’t get her duplicates. Here are several of my top must-have books for homeschool moms. I’ve read each of them multiple times and still return to them for inspiration.
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
Teaching From Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace
Rethinking School: How to Take Charge of Your Child’s Education
Oh, and pretty much anything Jane Austen. Just kidding! I love Jane Austen, but figure out your recipient’s favorite author before you give her nonfiction literature.
Practical Gadgets To Simplify Her Life
- 3-Hole Punch
- Laminator and laminating pouches (this is probably my favorite of all my homeschool supplies! Be sure to purchase a wide one so you can laminate file folder-sized lapbooks.)
- Electric pencil sharpener (don’t get the cheap ones at the back to school sales — they won’t last!)
- Paper cutter (we use ours ALL the time)
- Globe
- US wall map and world wall map and map shower curtain and map placemats(because who wants to actually formally teach geography, when your kids can just learn it by osmosis?)
- Coil Binding Machine You might be thinking, “What?” But this is a super practical gift! It’s been on my wishlist for a couple of years, because it keeps getting pushed to the bottom. Not this year, baby! All 8 of my children and I are musicians, and whenever I buy a music book (which is pretty stinking often!) I take it to an office supply store to have it coil bound. The coil binding not only lays flat, but it make the book incredibly durable! Unfortunately, it about doubles the cost of the book. If I just had one of these machines, I’d laminate the covers, coil bind all the books, and they’d last forever. Plus, I’d save myself a ton of money in the long run. I guarantee you any homeschool mom in your life would be gaga over this gadget!
- Instant Pot I’ve only had mine for a couple of weeks and already I love the bejeebers out of it! Today I made chili in under 30 minutes! From ground beef in the freezer and dried kidney beans in a bucket in the basement, to a hot, delicious meal — in under 30 minutes! I never buy canned beans because it’s more economical and fresh to buy them dried and cook them myself. That used to mean starting dinner at least a day prior to eating it (because you have to soak the beans overnight) but no more. I think this little pot is my new best friend!
Handy, Dandy Electronics are Great Gifts for Homeschool Moms
A tablet, a laptop, a wireless speaker (the echo dot is awesome!), or bluetooth headphones would come in immensely handy when trying to educate the kiddos, keep them fed and healthy, exercise and nourish herself, and keep up with the laundry and other household chores, too!
The Very Best Gift for a Homeschool Mom
Time to herself.
All by herself. Without kids to feed or bottoms to wipe or math assignments to grade.
An afternoon would be nice. A full day would be better. An overnight would be amazing!
Best of all, this one is FREE!
Just write it out as a coupon, tie it up with a bow, and wait for tears of joy.
Happy Shopping!
Be sure to pin these gifts for homeschool moms for later!
Great Article! Thanks for sharing to us.
Great ideas that won’t break the bank!
I learned about this giveaway by receiving an email from you about your thoughts on Mother’s Day and I wanted to let you know I share those feelings! Also I love this list! Thanks for your time 🙂
Thank you for sharing that, Emily! I appreciate knowing that I’m not alone in my feelings about Mother’s Day!
This is so cool! Thank-you for putting this together!
Thanks, Rebekah! Happy Mother’s Day next week!
I love Jane Austen too! My sister bought my granddaughter a toddler edition of Pride and Prejudice and so I love reading it to her. As she gets old, I love telling her more details of the story! Books are always on my wishlist! 🙂
That is darling! I didn’t know they made toddler editions of Jane Austen’s books — I’m going to have to look those up! Books do make the best gifts, don’t they?
I’m not a homeschool mom but I would love these gifts too! I know for my kids, I now ask for memberships instead of gifts. It’s a gift that keeps giving and also a learning experience!
Me, too! Experiences make far better gifts than stuff that clutters up my house our gets ruined or thrown away!
I would like theme park, hehe, I like these gift list!
Oh, you’re an adrenaline junky, huh? Well, I hope your husband gets you a theme park pass! 🙂
YES!!! As a homeschooling mom, I can support this gift guide. My favorite was TIME!!!! 🙂
Hey, that’s my favorite, too! Give me an afternoon off and I’m a happy camper! 🙂