Showing 17–32 of 75 results

  • Fact Family Flash Cards (Multiplication & Division)


    This 11-page printable contains Fact Family cards for all of the multiplication and division tables up through the twelves. They are unique in that each card contains all three members of a fact family, which will help your child thoroughly understand and memorize all of the fact families, in addition to each individual fact. This will make future math concepts easier to understand.

    These Fact Family cards and fun games will help your child thoroughly memorize their basic multiplication and division facts, but in a FUN way that doesn’t feel like drill. If you want your child to BEG you for math, instead of the other way around, use math games as a part of your curriculum!

    *You will receive a file to download and print. No physical product will be shipped.



  • Fact Family Flash Cards Bundle (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division)


    This 17-page printable contains Fact Family cards for both multiplication and division (facts through the twelves) and addition and subtraction (facts through the tens). They are unique in that each card contains all three members of a fact family, which will help your child thoroughly understand and memorize all of the fact families, in addition to each individual fact. This will make future math concepts easier to understand.

    These Fact Family cards and fun games will help your child thoroughly memorize their basic arithmetic facts, but in a FUN way that doesn’t feel like drill. If you want your child to BEG you for math, instead of the other way around, use math games as a part of your curriculum!


    *You will receive a file to download and print. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Fact Fictionary

    Fact Fictionary Math Game (Multiplation & Division)


    This 11-page printable file includes 8 pages of cards with multiplication and division sentences and math vocabulary, plus directions for playing this exciting game! If you’ve never yet experienced your kiddos BEGGING for a math game, this fun game is a great place to start.

    *You will receive a file to download and print. No physical product will be shipped.

  • FAXX Math Game (Multiplication, Division, Addition & Subtraction)


    This 16-page printable file includes instructions and cards to play this fun, fast-paced, strategy-filled card game! Math games are a sneaky way to get your kiddos to BEG for math-facts-drill.

    You will receive a file to download and print. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Five In A Row (Fractions)


    This 15-page file includes number lines and fraction cards for your child (or class) to practice ordering fractions by value, to understand that fractions are a piece of 1, to understand the concept of 1 as a whole, and to practice adding fractions. Math games are the answer to all of your child’s math woes, as they inspire kids to find solutions to problems that really matter, and provide practice (in a fun way) to build connections and number sense!

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Fraction Decimal Percent Puzzles


    This file includes 36 puzzles, each with the standard fraction, visual fraction, percent and decimal form of the most common fractions. Your child will have a lot of fun learning and memorizing the relationships of all these forms!


    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Fraction Dominoes


    This 15-page file includes approximately 300 dominoes. About a third of them are just standard fractions mixed with visual fractions, but the rest include mixed fractions, decimals and percents. What a great way to thoroughly internalize the concept of fractions and become familiar with the decimals and percentages of the most common fractions! Students will also increase their understanding of equivalent fractions, and will be required to add fractions with different denominators for points.

    You may want to start with just the standard fraction dominoes and progress to using the full set.

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Sale!

    Fraction Strips & Circles

    Original price was: $2.50.Current price is: $0.00.

    Fractions can be a tough concept to teach. Visual aids make it infinitely easier! This 15-page file includes fraction strips AND fraction circles because both are helpful in different situations. Denominators up to fifteenths are included.

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Fractionary


    This 11-page file contains a fraction cube for you to assemble, along with 70 cards containing household items. Students roll the cube then choose a card and draw that fraction of the item chosen for their team to try to guess. It’s a great game for helping students to make the connection between real life and fractions,  having to communicate 3/4 of a dozen eggs or half of a refrigerator.

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Fractions Memory Match


    This 13-page file contains 27 “books” of fraction cards. A book includes four cards: a visual fraction, a standard fraction, a percentage and a decimal. The  fun games you’ll play with these cards are a great way to help your child achieve fluency at converting back and forth between the different formats. They’ll also help him thoroughly understand the concept of fractions and make crucial connections.

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Fractions/Decimals/Percentages BINGO


    This file includes 6 different BINGO games (and two variations of each game):

    • fractions to decimals
    • decimals to fractions
    • percentages to decimals
    • decimals to percentages
    • percentages to fractions
    • fractions to percentages


    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • I Have… Who Has (Time)


    This 3-page file includes 30 cards for playing the quick, simple (but effective!) game, I Have… Who Has. It only takes a few minutes to play and ZERO prep, but your kiddos will enjoy playing so much they won’t even realize they’re learning to read analog clocks.

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • I Have…. Who Has? (Fractions)


    This 4-page file includes 42 cards — everything you need to play this short, simple game to introduce fractions to your kiddos. By the end of the game, your child (or students) will be able to recognize and name fractions like a pro! The social aspect of the game  just makes learning to recognize and name fractions fun!

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Addition & Subtraction Game

    Ice Cream Truck Addition & Subtraction


    This 20-page printable file contains full-color menus (to make the activity appealing to your children) on two different levels (one with easier pricing and one with lots of 9’s to encourage regrouping practice). It also contains 6 pages of printable props and money to increase the fun factor, if you wish. The games can be played without the props, if you prefer.

    Your child will practice adding three and four digit numbers with decimals, subtracting three and four digit numbers with decimals, mental math story problems and more, all in preparation for opening up their own ice cream truck business. Once open, the game begins with your child taking real-life orders from friends and family, adding up the costs and figuring out the change.

    It can be played by one child or multiple children at a time. All you need to play this game are the included printables and writing implements.

    The printable includes two different menus to differentiate the level of difficulty. The Level A menu uses nice, friendly, round numbers for simple decimal addition and the Level B menu uses lots of nines for plenty of regrouping practice. Both levels include real-world application, story problems, mental math practice, fact drill and simple ways to differentiate the difficulty of play.


    *You will receive a file to download and print. No physical product will be shipped.

  • It’s About Time


    This 16-page file contains everything you will need to practice time to the hour, the half hour, the quarter hours and minutes — but in a fun way your child will enjoy!

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.

  • Sale!

    Learning Clocks

    Original price was: $0.99.Current price is: $0.00.

    You’ll need a brad to attach the hands to the clock.

    Be sure to point out that the blue hand points to the blue hours and the black hand points to the black minute ticks. The most important thing to make sure your child understands, though, is that each hour takes up a full twelfth of the clock. Anytime the short hand is within that “room” where that hour lives, it’s that hour.

    The biggest difficulty with learning to tell time is that kids learn time to the hour first, and are taught that the hour is whichever number the short hand points to. But when you move on to half hours and quarter hours, the short hand is between hours. And kids mistakenly think that the correct hour is whichever number the short hand is closest to, which is NOT the case. 

    That’s why you need to teach your child about the rooms (the colored segments) in which each number lives. That entire room belongs to the number, and any time the short hand is within that room, it is that hour. You’ll find more practice for this concept with the ‘Best Way to Teach Your Child to Tell Time’ games in my shop.

    *You are purchasing a pdf file. No physical product will be shipped.