Homeschool Summer Learning Resources

Homeschool Summer Learning Resources

Ah, summer!

Dreams of lazy afternoons at the pool, night games with the family, and sleeping in every day of the week fuel my last herculean push to complete our homeschool curriculum for the year.

And then reality hits.

Afternoons at the pool are the result of mornings spent rounding up bathing suits and beach towels, finding shoes, packing snacks, the WWF championship fight in my great room, and more shoe searches. Where do all the shoes go?

Why do night games always end with a trip to the ER?

Why does everyone want breakfast at the crack of dawn?

Why are the weeks worth of groceries I buy on Monday gone on Tuesday?

Summer really is all it’s cracked up to be. But if you have kids it works best if you just relax your schoolyear routine and don’t abandon it entirely.

As homeschoolers, we understand that the best family routines always include learning. Here are some summer homeschool ideas for working moms!

My favorite way to differentiate summer a little so it feels more fun is to allow my kiddos to ditch their schoolyear curriculum in favor of some fun electives and a more relaxed summer homeschool schedule (aside from math and literature, which we work on year-round).

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Resources for Homeschool Electives

Math Games

When we take breaks of any significant length, I’ve found that math is my children’s first subject to go. I think that is why the first third of most math curricula is review!

Learning math concepts is a tremendous amount of work. Don’t let it go!

A simple way to retain math skills is with games. Card games, math-focused board games and free online games are all easy and fun ways to maintain knowledge. The math arcade at We Play Math is my kids’ favorite way to spend their electronics time. They don’t even realize they’re learning!

Kids don’t hate math, they hate feeling stuck. We Play Math eliminates frustration through gamification. Short, animated videos teach concepts and games and puzzles provide practice. Our math arcade facilitates instant, automatic recall of critical math facts.

The Library

Your library might have different resources than mine, but mine has so many it would make your head spin! They have a parent resource center where you can check out games, many of which are educational.

Check out this summer reading list!

They have story time on Tuesdays & Thursdays during the summer, which usually include a small art/craft project related to the story. A whole corner of the children’s reading area is devoted to science. They’ve assembled backpacks families can check out on various topics, which include books about the topic, hands-on experiments, art projects and more.

Last but not least, they have books! Whenever a day goes wrong, I fix it in a hurry by declaring a DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) camp and passing out a snack. Who could go wrong with books?

homeschool summer learning electives

Your Local Community Recreation Center

This resource shines particularly when your kiddos need a physical elective. Community Rec Centers usually cost less than private lessons, but the quality is still excellent. I also love that the classes are usually grouped by age and provide social opportunities my children crave.

We’ve participated in tennis lessons, swim lessons, swim team, basketball team, gymnastics, tumbling and soccer team through various rec centers and been very pleased.

swimming homeschool summer learning electives

Homeschool Buyers Club

My absolute favorite place to find the best deals on homeschool electives is through the Homeschool Buyers Club! They are kind of like Costco for homeschoolers and offer great deals on all sorts of homeschool curriculum, but they are also a fantastic place to find homeschool electives!

Summer is the perfect time to catch up on subjects like art, music, coding, sign language and foreign languages that might get ignored during the school year. Homeschool Buyers Club has all of those and more at unbeatable prices.

I like to let my kiddos choose one elective to study each summer in addition to our regular routine of math, reading and practicing instruments. I find that keeps them just busy enough to stay out of trouble and not complain of boredom, but still leave them plenty of time to pursue things like digging holes to China.

But don’t take my word for it! A membership to the Homeschool Buyers Co-Op is completely free, so you should definitely check it out and see whether it would benefit your family. For the rest of the summer, the club is offering 3 free gifts with any purchase!

A Few Benefits of the Homeschool Buyers Club

  • Membership is completely FREE!
  • Enjoy up to 3 exclusive free gifts (a $38 value) with any purchase! Simply head to our website, place your order, and upon checkout, select your free gift(s).
  • Membership also qualifies you for free SmartPoints that can be used to purchase curriculum.
  • Deep discounts and exclusive offers for members.
  • Offers all kinds of homeschool resources, not just textbooks.
  • Tons of free resources on the website.
  • Easy to navigate to find the best deals.
  • Helpful resources for new homeschoolers and veterans alike.
  • Awesome group discounts on valuable homeschool curriculum!
  • Your information is kept private.
  • Free Homeschool Curriculum
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  • Field Trip finder (search any location)
  • Homeschool Classified Ads for selling or purchasing used curriculum.

Get Your Free Membership to the Homeschool Buyers Club

Pin these homeschool summer learning resources for later!

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