Valentine's Day books for kids

Valentine’s Day Books for Kids

If books were an addiction, I’d have a problem.

You see, books are my favorite gifts to give my children. The don’t give my kids cavities or make them hyper, they don’t clutter up my house, and they aren’t junk that I feel compelled to throw away or take to Goodwill.

And I love that the books my children are reading (because I choose them carefully) contribute to their character and morals, and teach them things that I want them to understand and love!

So I give my kids books for Christmas, for birthdays, in their Easter baskets, and for Valentine’s Day. If I missed any gift-giving holidays, we probably give them books then, too!

I often give them entire sets of books, because I can’t help myself. Like, when I find the entire set of Narnia books for a great price, or a set of the Little House books, or the first eight Ramona books. When it’s almost the same price to purchase the set as to buy a single book, how could I not?

Since we have eight kids, each getting multiple books for every holiday, we’ve had to build bookcases in practically every room of our house, as well as a large library in our basement with floor-to-ceiling bookcases on all four walls.

Yeah, I’ve definitely got a problem, ha, ha!

I wanted to share with you a few of our favorite Valentine’s Day books today!

One of our favorite Valentine’s Day activities is a Story Time built around the lovely book, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch. It includes a couple of fun literature activities and a related snack.

>>> Story Time: Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch <<<

I hope you and your kiddos enjoy these Valentine’s Day books as much as we do!

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Valentine’s Day Books 

Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse by Laura Numeroff

In this book, Mouse makes valentines for all of his friends. Each valentine represents what Mouse loves most about each of his friends, such as Pig ‘because she’s a good dancer’ and Bunny ‘because she’s the best at hide-and-seek. Mouse learns how much all of his friends love him back.

Budding artists and crafters will love this book, perfect for pairing with Valentine’s Day activities. Your kiddos will love Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse.

 The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond

One day it rains hearts, and Cornelia Augusta catches them. She realizes that the hearts are perfect for making valentines. Each heart is special in its own way, and Cornelia Augusta knows exactly who to send them to: her animal friends. This creative and sweet story, The Day it Rained Hearts, is perfect for Valentine’s Day.

The Biggest Valentine Ever by Steven Kroll

When Mrs. Mousely asks her class to make valentines, Clayton and Desmond decide to make one for their teacher as a surprise. But things don’t go as planned. First Clayton puts too much glitter on the card. Then Desmond puts on too many hearts. Soon the friends are arguing and they rip the card in half. They both go home in a huff.

But then Desmond and Clayton realize that by working together they can make the biggest valentine ever! A sheet of colorful foil stickers is bound into The Biggest Valentine Ever for your kiddos to make their own valentines!

Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney

We parents can never adequately explain to our children the infinite, unconditional love we have for them. As Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare discover in Guess How Much I Love You, love is not an easy thing to measure! But maybe this sweet, heartwarming book can give them a sense of it. Maybe they’ll understand, if you cuddle them close and read this to them often, that your love for them is bigger than to the moon and back.

Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by Diane DeGroat

Gilbert is all set to write fifteen friendly valentine cards to his classmates. But how can he write a nice poem for the boy who tweaked his nose, or the girl who made fun of his glasses? Instead, Gilbert writes two not-so-nice valentines…and signs the wrong name on both!

When his classmates read his poems, their feelings are hurt, and Gilbert’s prank quickly turns into pandemonium. But with the help of a good friend and an honest apology, things can be put to right. Your child will relate to Gilbert’s dilemma, and this tender Valentine’s Day book will prompt discussions on kindness and forgiveness.

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli

One wintry day, a postman delivers a mysterious package with a big pink bow to a lonely man named Mr. Hatch.
“Somebody loves you,” the note says.

“Somebody loves me!” Mr. Hatch sings as he dusts his living room. “Somebody loves me!” Mr. Hatch whistles as he does his errands in town. “But who,” Mr. Hatch wonders, “could that somebody be?”

This sweet, simple tale about loving our neighbor helps kids to empathize with loneliness, and understand what a difference letting someone know they are special can do for a person. It’s one of my all-time favorite Valentine’s Day books.

One of our favorite Valentine’s Day activities is a Story Time built around the lovely book, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch. It includes a couple of fun literature activities and a related snack.

>>> Story Time: Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch <<<

Pete the Cat: Valentine’s is Cool by Kimberly and James Dean

At first, Pete thinks Valentine’s Day isn’t cool…until he realizes all the special cats there are in his life. Once Pete the Cat realizes how much fun Valentine’s Day can be, he decides to make valentine cards for his family and friends. But what happens when he realizes he’s forgotten to make a card for a very important cat?

This fun Valentine’s Day book comes complete with a poster, stickers, and twelve punch-out Valentine’s Day cards for your kiddo.

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose by Lucille Colandro

Our favorite, lovely old lady has returned just in time for Valentine’s Day. Now she’s swallowing items to make a very special gift for her valentine!

With rhyming text and hilarious illustrations, this wacky version of the classic song will appeal to young readers as they follow the Old Lady on a wild adventure through this Valentine’s Day book.

The Valentine Bears by Eve Bunting

Mr. and Mrs. Bear usually hibernate through Valentine’s Day. But this year, Mrs. Bear is determined to wake up and make the day a special one. When the alarm rings in February, she drags herself out of bed and starts to secretly make preparations while Mr. Bear snores away.

She digs up a pot of Mr. Bear’s favorite honey, fills a bowl with delicious dried bugs and beetles, and writes a Valentine’s note.  When all is ready, Mrs. Bear excitedly goes to wake up Mr. Bear for their special day. But Mr. Bear proves to be harder to wake up than she thought.

Little Bear’s Valentine by Maurice Sendak

Little Bear looks forward to giving his mother and the rest of his friends a valentine for Valentine’s Day, and to figuring out who the secret admirer is who sent him one. Little Bear has always been one of my most-loved picture-book characters.  His world is so gentle and sweet. I love reading books to my children from such a tender perspective.

Click, Clack, Moo, I Love You by Doreen Cronin

It’s Valentine’s Day and on the farm that means a Valentine’s party. Little Duck is wildly excited. She hangs balloons, streamers, sparkling lights, and hearts everywhere, and makes homemade valentines for everyone.

On top of a hill, a little fox hears the music from the party and follows Little Duck’s many decorations to the barn…but foxes are not at all welcome on farms. The chickens stop dancing. The sheep stop dancing. The pigs stop dancing. The mice hustle off to hide. Will Little Fox ruin the dance? Or, perhaps, is she just what the party needs!

Llama Llama, I Love You by Anna Dewdney

Here’s a fun Valentine’s Day book for your toddler. In Llama Llama I Love You, little llama shows his friends and family how much he loves them with heart-shaped cards and lots of hugs. What could be sweeter than Llama Llama on Valentine’s Day?

Enemy Pie by Derek Munson

It was the perfect summer. That is, until Jeremy Ross moved into the house down the street and became neighborhood enemy number one. Luckily Dad had a surefire way to get rid of enemies: Enemy Pie.

In this funny yet endearing story, one little boy learns an effective recipes for turning your best enemy into your best friend. Enemy Pie may not actually, technically, specifically be a Valentine’s Day book, but it’s beautiful message of kindness is perfect for Valentine’s, so it’s a Valentine’s tradition at our house anyway.

I hope you’ve found a few Valentine’s Day books to add to your own collection!

Pin these fun Valentine’s Day books for later!

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    1. Amy Saunders says:

      I hope you love all the Valentine’s books like we do!

  1. i love these! i love to get my girls books for all the holidays. it makes it so much more fun

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      Books make the best gifts!

  2. Thanks for sharing these, my daughter LOVES books and I was looking for a valentine gift for her. thanks for sharing this.

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      Glad I could help you find some wonderful Valentine’s books! 🙂

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      Valentine’s Day books are so much fun!

  3. So many of these are super cute. Valentine’s is definitely not a day that I paid much attention to before kids but is much more fun with!

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      I like to make Valentine’s Day fun for my kids because I always loved it as a kid. I loved the class party and the treats, and since we homeschool I worried that my kids would miss out. So we do our own fun things! 🙂

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