Math Games Bundle: Time & Money
Telling time and counting money are essential skills to learn. This bundle contains over twelve games to help your kiddo practice telling time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour, time before and after the hour, a.m. and p.m, plus the days of the week, months and year. He’ll have fun practicing with clocks, calendars and counting printable money (or you could use real money like I do, though I realize that would work in a classroom) in real-world games.
This 150+ page bundle of games will build mathematical confidence and number sense without it seeming monotonous or boring. If a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, math games help the math concepts go down. If only all learning could be play!
All of the games and teaching materials in this bundle would cost over $30 if purchased separately! Click on the description to learn more about each of the games included. These games will be delivered in separate pdf files to make them easier to navigate and use.
*You are purchasing printable files. No physical product will be shipped.
The following products are included in this huge bundle of time & money games:
Telling Time and Counting Money
- The BEST Way to Teach Your Child to Tell Time
- Money Memory Match
- I Have… Who Has? (Telling time)
- It’s About Time
- Tick Tock Time
- The Sandwich Game
- The Grocery Game
- My Daily Schedule
- Learning Clocks
If you were to purchase all of these products separately, you would pay over $30! This huge bundle with over 150 pages of FUN educational games is a great deal!
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