Math manipulatives don’t need to be complicated! Here is a very simple math manipulative kit that is every bit as effective as the expensive, commercial kits. You probably have most of the items you’ll need around your house already, except for the printables, which you may download free below.

Sign up here for your 25-page FREE Math Manipulatives printable, which includes:

  • Ten Frames
  • Base Ten Set, including a 3D hundreds cube
  • Practice Clock
  • Hundreds Chart (1 blank and 1 filled in)
  • Fraction Strips (whole through 1/12)
  • Fraction Circles (whole through 1/16)
  • Printable list of the items you’ll need from around your house, like coins, craft sticks, dice and counters.






Note: After submitting the form, you’ll receive an email with a link to download the printable math manipulatives. There is no physical product — nothing will be shipped.