Gifts under $5
Doesn’t it sometimes feel like gift giving is a competition? Like you have to practically sacrifice your firstborn child to the Christmas gods in order to be able to afford adequate gifts for everyone on your list?
Thankfully, that doesn’t have to be the case (I’m sure you all love your firstborn children as much as I do)!
Your gifts can actually be better than adequate and you can stick to your budget, even when it’s under $5 per gift. Does that sound too good to be true? Let’s start with a few tips for giving great gifts on a small budget (these are all under $5).
Great Tips for Giving Gifts Under $5
Re-gifting is okay, especially if it’s just a small part of the gift, like a basket or some stationery or something. Just don’t make it awkward by leaving the card from the previous giver in the box! Re-gifting is especially fun for White Elephant parties or humorous occasions.
Create a standing gift closet or even just a box in your closet. When you see something useful on sale, grab a couple. I love to hit up the clearance aisles at Walmart after Christmas to purchase gift sets for pennies on the dollar. Most are Christmas themed, but I’ve even found non-Christmas-themed gift sets suitable for other occasions. It’s super handy to always have something nice on hand.
Consumable gifts are often a great, inexpensive choice. Homemade baked goods, decadent fudge, a local specialty or an exotic, ethnic dish — these will be gratefully received and not contribute to clutter or end up at Goodwill.
Handmade gifts don’t always suck! You may not want another of Aunt Bertha’s crocheted doilies, but some handmade gifts are pretty fantastic and worth a lot more than the meager cost for supplies. Here are 33 Ideas for Handmade Gifts Anyone Would Love.
Look for simple ways to scrape together cash. Maybe you can skip your morning coffee, cancel your streaming service, or just eat beans and rice for the month of December. Maybe all you need to do is scrounge through pockets in your laundry room or dig through the nether regions of your couch. Maybe a side hustle is the answer. Here are 15 Ways to Make Extra Christmas Cash.
15 Gifts under $5
Recipe Book
When my Granny passed away, the one thing we all wanted was her recipe file. She had hundreds of hand-written index cards in a nifty file box. Many of them were batter-splattered and dog eared, and most were dishes we all knew well and loved. Food has a way of binding family and friends. What better way to show your love than by sharing your favorite recipes? Even better if they’re hand-written and spiced with tender or humorous memories! What a treasure of a gift for under $5!
A Framed Photo
It doesn’t matter if the photo is professional or just a snapshot, but if you can find one that reminds you of a special memory with the recipient, chances are pretty good your recipient will love it as much as you do! Find a frame for under $5 and you’ve got yourself a winning gift!
My husband loves these brain teaser puzzles and he can never have enough of them. I’ve found them at the Dollar Store before, so be sure to check there first. These kinesthetic puzzle gifts are under $5 at Amazon (check for hidden shipping costs) and they’re great quality — quite a bit larger and more difficult than the dollar store variety.
Travel games are the perfect gift for more than just travelers. How about young parents who need a way to keep their kiddos quietly busy in waiting rooms or at church? How about giving one to a much-loved grandparent along with a coupon for an afternoon of chess?

Soap is extremely simple and inexpensive to make, but such a luxurious gift. I usually tie three bars up with some twin and a gift tag to make it look pretty. The oatmeal is exfoliating, and the goat’s milk, honey and tallow make it extra gentle and nourishing. It has a light lather and a wonderful, baking-type fragrance. If you don’t want to go to the trouble of making it yourself, you can also purchase handmade soap.
A Favorite Beverage or Snack
If you know your gift recipient pretty well, you’ll know his favorites. Maybe he’s a craft beer kind of guy, or maybe he loves the Blonde Roast coffee pods. Maybe he really likes homemade chocolate chip cookies, but he doesn’t exactly love baking. Or you could even assemble a gift basket of several favorites and keep it under $5 if you use coupons and shop carefully (and maybe re-gift an extra basket you already have lying around). Consumable gifts are nice because you know they’ll get used and not just end up as more clutter, eventually carted off to Goodwill.
Homemade Vanilla
This will only be cost effective if you are making vanilla for several gift recipients, because you have to buy the ingredients in large enough quantities to make sense. All it requires is high quality vanilla beans (in their pods) and plain, 80-proof vodka, which is surprisingly inexpensive. Just be sure to get started in time, because the mixture has to sit for a couple of weeks. Let me tell you, though, this is the good stuff!
If you’re looking for a gift (under $5) for a stylish girl, this vintage, colorful, Bohemian beaded bracelet could be just the thing!
Small Cosmetic Bag or Coin Purse
One of these for under $5 means you can also afford to fill it up with assorted nail polish or an eyeshadow compact (don’t forget to check the dollar store for makeup bargains). These come in multiple different fun colors!
This pack contains a wonderful set of 8 hair clips! All in cute colors, they’re durable, and can be handed out for cheap gifts one at a time!
These multi-packs of seriously gorgeous dangly earrings cost more than $5 for the entire package, but if you separate them out among multiple recipients, they’re less than 2 dollars per pair.
If you are looking for the perfect gift under $5 for a child, a gift to encourage creative, outdoor play will be appreciated by the recipient’s parents! Sidewalk chalk is the perfect gift for kids because it gets used up quickly and they always need more. Check your local dollar store first to see if they have any there!
Family Game Night
My kids absolutely love to go camping with my sister’s family, even though they find camping with me meh at best. You know why? Because my sister knows all of the best card games! My kids learn their favorites (like spoons and Scum) and bring them home to our family, but they have a hard time remembering the rules and we always end up calling Aunt Melanie.
What would I give to have my sister type up all of her favorite card games along with their instructions? Then maybe my kids would choose me over their cousins. Probably not. Still, I think this would be an amazing gift for under $5, because I always see decks of face cards at the dollar store! You could even include a box of popcorn and stay under budget.
Another item I see often at the dollar store is puzzles. They have everything from toddler puzzles to 1000-piece puzzles for adults, and many of them are actually really pretty. My sister-in-law loves puzzles and she purchases most of them from the dollar store. Amazon has a decent selection for under $5, but check the dollar store first!
My last suggestion is my favorite, probably because I’m a bibliophile myself. Books are kind of personal. You may not know what your intended recipient has read without asking, and that sort of ruins the surprise. But if you go with a classic or a favorite that you know will be appreciated, you can’t go wrong. I always search local used bookstores, thriftbooks.com and the used books at Amazon for great deals (most well under $5 including shipping). Here is a list of our family’s favorite read-aloud books, which would make a memorable gift paired with a favorite treat!
If you don’t love the idea of used books, Amazon has dozens of Dover Thrift Editions for well under $5. Our family library is full of these classics and, while paperback, they are great quality.
I hope this list of gifts for under $5 has helped you come up with a great idea. If you’re still looking, however, here is a simple list of questions to ask yourself in How to Find the Perfect Gift for Every Person on Your List (no joke!).
Pin this list of great gifts for under $5 for later!