Free Printable Valentines

Free Printable Valentines

Are you looking for some quick, easy, free printable valentines?

Let me guess. You have a Valentine emergency!

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and your child is supposed to take a fancy mailbox to school, along with 36 labeled valentines and gluten-free, nut-free, sugar-free, low carb, food-dye-free, organic, vegan Valentine’s treats.

And you feel a little overwhelmed!?

I feel your pain, mama, and THAT is why I homeschool!

I’m totally kidding. Not about the homeschooling, but about the reason I homeschool. The ability to skip holiday overwhelm is not why I homeschool, but it’s a terrific side benefit!

We homeschoolers do our own thing for Valentine’s Day. Sometimes we meet up with a homeschool group at the local roller skating rink, and sometimes we just stay home, or go to the library. Honestly, my kiddos usually choose the library. They got my introvert gene.

But since we plan to meet up with the other homeschoolers this year, I made these quick, easy, free printables we can hurriedly print, cut up and take with us. I’ll let my kids take care of the printing, cutting and laminating, and it should only take them a few minutes. Easy, peasy!

(My friend, Brandi, has the cutest ever camping-themed, free Valentine’s Day cards you can print in a hurry. Seriously, click over and check them out!)

Of course, our valentines are bookmarks. What else would you expect from a family of bookworms?

Minion Bookmark Valentines

My kiddos loves the minions!

Those goofy, energetic, yellow guys are just so relatable. Teens can relate to their snarky attitudes, and who wouldn’t love to ignore their responsibilities to play with friends?

I love that these easy, free printable valentines are completely gender neutral so they’re great for boys or girls. And they’re not at all lovey-dovey, so your kids won’t feel embarrassed to give them to their friends.

Minions are adorable, quirky and extremely amusing!

Which is why everyone will love these minion valentines. 

Free Printable Valentines
Free printable valentines

These printables are for personal use only. You may not alter them or redistribute them for monetary gain without written consent from the author, Amy Saunders.



  1. Download the free printable valentines, using the pink button below.
  2. Print your valentines on white cardstock.
  3. Cut them out along the black lines. A small, inexpensive paper trimmer will make the job much easier and more precise.
  4. Let your kiddos write their messages. Mine chose to just write names on the front, and a message on the back.
  5. Laminate the bookmarks for maximum durability, then cut apart again.

The download includes all 5 designs on one page so you can print fewer pages.

My kiddos are going to tape their bookmarks to a small package of red vines for their friends. I tried to talk them into handing out bananas with their bookmarks at the homeschool Valentine’s skating party, because, Minions & bananas, you know? They didn’t find it as amusing as I did. Oh, well!


>>>Grab your FREE printable Valentines<<<

Let’s keep in touch! For more homeschooling inspiration and fun freebies, you can find Orison Orchards on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, or subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter!

Pin these free printable valentines for later!


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  1. These are super cute I love the minions ones .Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Oh how cute! My oldest liked Minions and this may be a perfect Valentine for his classmates. Super cute.

  3. My toddler loves the minions too. This would be such a great idea for him to have at home now. I think it would make him enjoy book time even more.

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      It’s funny how minions appeal to all ages, isn’t it? Last year, at Universal Studios, we went on the minion ride multiple times just because ALL of my kiddos could agree on it. My littles loved dancing with the minions at the end of the ride, and there was just something fun for everyone.

  4. So cute! I could see my nephews really loving these. I like that your kids were able to write a note on the back before laminating.


    1. Amy Saunders says:

      I thought it would be fun for their friends to use for awhile, too, and to be able to read their cute sentiments over and over. Regular valentines just get thrown away.

  5. These minion valentine cards are really very cute. Would be fun for the kids to use and give away.

    1. Amy Saunders says:

      Thanks, Candy! Free printable valentines are really very handy!

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